About Me:

From an early age I’ve always been creative, during my school years I enjoyed art and music lessons where I learned to play the drums. After leaving school I began to explore other options and found myself learning music production with some friends, while also playing weekly slots on a few online radio stations.

Eventually I began editing videos for some friends who posted them on YouTube, so I began recording my own gameplay videos and the occasional vlogs. A few years ago, I then began uploading my own music remixes to my KevFaheyMusic channel as well.

I have many plans to produce various designs of clothing for my store, and the potential to add other items in the future.

Thank you to everyone who chooses to support me, buying my merch helps me to continue to do what I enjoy.

If you wish to find out more about me, you can check out my main site: kevfahey.com.

KevFahey aka TheGuiltyJoker.